Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Can Someone Tell Me What The Big Deal Is?

That is what one of our new commenters asks. The commenter says that TAMPOA has agreed to full public access between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. and notes that Key West parks are closed at night anyway. Why, the commenter asks, is granting public access all day long not sufficient? It is a question for the City Commissioners.

One would think that public access to Southard Street all day long would be enough if logic was the only factor at work. Unfortunately, logic is not all that is at work in the dispute between the City and TAMPOA. A good deal of the City's position is not logical, but is the result of pandering to politics or is politically driven. Another factor at work is blame. Focusing on it instead of the issues can interfere with a resolution of the dispute.

The unfortunate answer to why all day public access is not sufficient is because the City Commissioners that have to be convinced won't agree that it is. We do not know what really is behind their position because they have not clearly said so In addition, each commissioner may have different concerns. While voting down the mediated settlement, each commissioner may have had a different rationale. Unfortunately, the result was the same -- no agreement.

Until both sides begin to focus on what is behind their various positions and how to satisfy each others' interests, progress toward a resolution of the dispute may be difficult. The reality is that neither side can go it alone, but need each other to end the dispute, and safeguard the development of the waterfront by the City.

It is in the interest of both sides to resolve the dispute which is holding up the City's progress in developing the Waterfront and threatening to let the Waterfront property fall into the hands of developers, something none of the disputing parties seem to want. It may be that this common shared value -- making sure the waterfront property doesn't fall into the hands of commercial developers -- ends up being the catalyst for the beginning of a conversation that allows each side to get beyond the hot button illogical symbols that have divided them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

gee whiz a reasonable blog with the other side of the arguement given some consideration.
this can't be conchette can it?

ps. with "all comments must be approved by the blog author", it will be interesting to see her sense of freedom of speech. truth after all is in the eyes of the blog author

12/05/2006 08:03:00 AM  

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