Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So, It's Win Or Die, Is It?

Responding to anonymous who said, "I guess your position is just capitulation. . ." :
You guess wrong, and you read more into our report than there is. We were simply providing the facts on the amount of the fees so far.

It's true we are unhappy with the whole process regarding Southard Street and the way it has been mishandled (something the TAMPOA Board agrees with). The problem is that even if TAMPOA wins, we all lose, including you, anonymous!

Nobody in the Annex gets anything out of winning, except a boost to their big fat egos and an I- told-you-so. The only winners are the lawyers, bless their souls, who will have taken everyone's money and bought some more expensive toys.

You ask, "What happened to the Rule of Law?" The Rule of Law, when it comes to the City Commission, is meaningless, as, no doubt, you will agree. It's not that this Commission is against the Rule of Law, its that they and other Commissions before them never heard of it. They operate under the Rule of Bubba. This is something TAMPOA doesn't get.

We are not suggesting "capitulation" as you call it, nor do we think you are realistic when you suggest there will be parking meters on the streets of the Annex. That's too tacky, even for the Rule of Bubba. There's not enough money in parking meters.

Our problem with what has happened with the Southard Street dispute is that there now seems to be no way out, short of spending millions of dollars to have some judge disappoint everyone. Even if the judge would rule for TAMPOA, and that's not 100% certain according to Bill Andersen, what makes anyone think at that point the City Commission will roll over and play nice? Look at the Commission's virtually frivolous appeal of the Duck Tours case. Will Duck Tours ever collect? Not anytime soon in our lifetime.

Somewhere there needs to be a grip on reality and a realization that litigation (which one can do until the chickens come home) is not the be all and end all that it seems to promise. The solutions here are political, not legal, and that's what makes them so tough.

TAMPOA would do well to think about how it can build coalitions with other community groups around shared values to make sure that the City is faithful to the plan it has adopted for the Waterfront instead of selling out to developers and losing the waterfront property as it lost Truman Annex. If that happens it won't matter whether there is a gate on Southard or even who owns the street; nor will it matter who wins the Southard Street litigation.

We don't pretend to have the answers providing a way out of this mess, All we know is that what is being tried now is not working, and it is time to change course and change the leadership (such as it is) on both sides.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not much substance in your response, but i suppose that it makes you feel as if your doing something. i asked you for specifics and just get the feel-good advice to change and play politics. that won't work in bubbaland. your health must not be very good if you think that you won't see the duck tours get their money "in my lifetime".
also if you think that metering the streets is too tacky open your eyes to our commissioners. when has too tacky been a deterent?

12/18/2006 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well it looks like you are suppressing comments which differ from yours ( ie. comments about one week old).
too bad. what ever happened to you open discussions and willingness to publish all sides of the issue?

12/21/2006 03:20:00 PM  

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