Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thanks For Your Support

In this holiday season and as the end of the year approaches, we want to thank our readers who have supported this blog. Not all of you have made comments. Some, instead have thanked us in person. For those of you who have made comments in support of our goals to provide an open and constructive dialogue on issues facing Truman Annex and Key West, we thank you. Our thanks again to Cayo Dave for his comments and posts about how helpful we have been to the community for information about Truman Annex and TAMPOA. We'll continue to present the news about Truman Annex as well as our own comments on important issues for the Annex and Key West.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are very welcome and my praise is well earned.
I hope you have a happy new year.
Keep up the great work - I visit your blog daily.
Cayo Dave

1/05/2007 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is pretty amazing that you continue to promote cayo dave. That individual is vulgar and uses his blog to attack and insult. His plans for the waterfront include a mini reproduction of Duval St., probably in front of Harbor Place. You don't seem very concerned about it. You are quick to criticize Tampoa but when it comes to those who stroke your ego you turn a blind eye. Go figure.

1/07/2007 08:51:00 AM  
Blogger Conchette said...

To the above anonymous reader: If you have a problem with Cayo Dave, take it up with him directly! Don't expect this blog to tow your line just necause you don't like him or have a particular battle with him. As for your name-calling (calling him "vulgar," the tone of one's words is usually in the eye of the reader. Look inward for who may be, to use your words, "vulgar."

Finally, like you, we don't have to agree with everything a poster beieves or the poster's position on an issue to complement him or her on a particular issue. That, apparently, is what neither you nor Tom Tukey get.

1/07/2007 09:28:00 AM  

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