Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tukey Still Doesn't Get It

In his reply to criticism of TAMPOA's Southard Street gate policy, Tom Tukey, President of the TAMPOA Board, is saying now that the Navy isn't really concerned about the Southard Street gate but about the checking of identification and the stopping of Navy personnel. He just doesn't have or choose to believe the facts. In fact, the Navy is concerned about both the gate and the checking of fidentification by the TAMPOA security bumkins.

We wonder what it is that Mr. Tukey fails to understand about the clear words, "we are opposed to a gate?" That is what the Navy said. A five year old could get that. Yet Tukey just doesn't want to accept reality. Is this an extension of cat mentality or just plain stubbornness?

While he may choose to continue to wear blinders about the Navy's crystal clear position, he is leading the Annex residents into a world of hurt, not to mention bankrupting TAMPOA, which now can't afford to pay its legal bills. Not only is his policy about the gate wrong, it is downright stupid. We had hoped Tukey, who came to the TAMPOA board preaching compromise and common sense (and has fostered none of that), would forget the gate and now recognize that the gate and the way access to the waterfront is managed between the City, Bahama Village and Truman Annex are two separate issues. We expected too much. What irresponsible thing will Tukey and the TAMPOA board do next; sue the Navy too?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to run for the tampoa board so that all can benefit from your insight

11/10/2006 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conchette - I was down at the boat races looking around and I started thinking.
The City says the new waterfront park is going to be closed at night. I think the closing time for all City beaches and parks is 11:00.
The City also has said that the park will need a fence around it (like Ft. Zach has now) because of the problems there would be at night with the homeless if it weren't closed off.
If it's midnight and I drive down Southard Street, I would hit a dead end at the new waterfront park. Then I would be inside Truman Annex and I would have no way to turn around.
As long as Truman Annex keeps its gates open when the park is open, then I really don't care. At least if I was stopped by a gate at Thomas and Southard at midnight, I wouldn't be at a dead end. I could turn right or left.
That would work for most people I know.
I also know people at the Navy. they say they don't really care either. Most of their guys work regular daytime hours when the gates would be open anyway. After hours they can use United.

11/10/2006 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that makes too much since, must be something you missed. All of the navy peoples hate the TAMPON people. Your stupid.

11/14/2006 08:37:00 AM  

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