Monday, June 05, 2006

Assessment Increase of 25%

Did you know that the TAMPOA Board is about to raise your assessment by $200? That's a 25% increase. They were to discuss it at the Board meeting on June 5, 2006. Actually the Board already decided to levy the increase before May 3, 2006. At what meeting or when before May 3 is a mystery. Obviously the meeting at which the increase was decided upon was not announced, and then someone, almost as an after thought, realized that maybe the Association Members deserved an explanation. So on May 3, 2006 the Board indicated that they would "discuss this matter in more detail at our June Board meeting." Notice they didn't say they would vote on it then. When they announced it on May 3, 2006, it was a done deal. The explaining was to be done on June 5, 2006. Doesn't this behavior remind you of another leader whose approval ratings have fallen into a sinkhole?


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